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作者:Alice Sauriol, 12年级(PG)
在斯坦斯特德的三年里, 我交过不同类型的友谊, most of them with my teammates and others with my classmates and roommates. Throughout these years, the friendships I have built at Stanstead have brought me many benefits.
事实上, 研究证明,友谊可以改善心理健康, encourage you to change or avoid un健康y lifestyle habits and obviously boost your happiness.
尤其是今年, 作为一名研究生, I have realized the benefits of having my friends with me throughout my Stanstead experience. I have realized the importance of friendship and I have become more appreciative of my surroundings.
Coming back as a PG was a different story than my Grade 11 and 12 years. I was losing my friends from the year before and I was going to be surrounded by a whole different class.
Although I found it 硬 at first to not have my grade from last year with me, it was my friendships that I still had at the school that made a huge difference. 在我11、12年级的时候, 我很幸运有三个最好的朋友——卡米尔, 卡雷尔和巴萨玛,一起创造回忆. 今年, 一个全新的等级, 我不知道事情会怎样发展, but still having Béa and Karel made me look forward to the year and the more memories to create.
I think it is important for all of us to create strong friendship bonds not just at Stanstead but anywhere we go because sharing life’s moments with friends makes it all more meaningful. We should also try to keep those friendships in our lives for as long as we can, because a friend’s support will help us through life’s ups and downs.
完成, 我只想感谢卡雷尔, Béa and Camille for making my experience at Stanstead even better (and to my girlfriend Béa for helping me write this speech).
My mom said something to me about friendships when I told her about my speech, 我想把这个问题留给你们:
朋友使人幸福。 比以前更容易忍受 有趣的 更难忘的时刻. 他们让时光值得活两次. 他们是 家庭 你会发现.
